Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Svechina Vera born June 5 1973. 


Doctor Zhivago......Im alive. december 1973. rosoku.... TAIPEI.

1973 dec.


ROB JANOFF. The logo was introduced with the new product Apple II in April of that year 77.

It's Vera Svechina's country. 
called Northern Territories. 

    1872  birth of Alexandra was born on 6 (33) June 1872 at the New Palace in Darmstadt as Her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Viktoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse and by Rhine, a Grand Duchy that was then part of the German Empire. She was the sixth child among the seven children of Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and by Rhine, and Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, the second daughter of Queen Victoria and Albert, the Prince Consort.


    42 Yeras later, 1914  in JAPAN happening huge vulcan eruption on


    1942  Nina Vladimirovna Takaeva born in Chekhovskiy
    Region SOVIET UNION.
    July 1960.  Serpuhov.  Before going to pioneer camp. Station Tarusskaya.

    in Family of Tamara Rezvyakova a cook and Vladimir Takaev a wood carver.

    when Nina was 7 years old her parents got her house 33 in Serpuhov

     moscow region Soviet Union and with her 

    Grandmother Alexandra

    POPOVICHEVA  they went to live there

    1933 125  Emperor Akihito born 1933. in JAPAN.
    He was NINE when 

    in 1966 NINA MET PETR and they got married and went to live in


    In 1968  June 10 her son Nikita born 

    in 1973 JUNE 5 at 1:30 pm  Svechina Vera Petrovna Born. 

    CBP. (KANJI SAKURA) tree and baby girl with hair ornament. 


    Harvard University (Cambridge)

    University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley)

    Svechina VERA HAPPY WITH VERAS destiny.

    u2 /svechina vera 0nly/ 

    vera twin.... veras birthday ...... june 5. 1973.

    1991. american c0mpany.....

    laurene with veras m0ther nina 
    takaeva /svechina/....and vera... with family father m0ther and nikita fan.
    vera d0nt need t0 kill any0ne.
    NINA Y2k...

     mafia killed ruslana k0rshun0va  2008  advertising nina perfume

    instead 0f putting vera  in f0rbes with  10 year 0f g00gle fr0m apt. 0f vera

     and  with jaime prince  0r vera apple l0g0  2006 and panama ....

    0r  2008 which making 42 year

     fr0m chert with dipl0mat in 1966 

    and  1942 is vera m0ther was b0rn in f0rmer ussr........ 

    /steve f0r svechina vera t0 be in f0rbes/

    they cut 0ff that  svechina vera  with 33 fr0m f0rmer  ussr.... and liver....they cut 0ff....

    vera w0uld never cut it 0ff..... 

     svechina  veras /fr0m f0rmer s0viet uni0n...russia/
     pr0ject with all real pe0ple.

    all that needed t0 be d0ne. with0ut killing anyb0dy.... 

    last train fr0m r0pp0ngi pr0ject. a.k.a as0bi..... 

    vps pr0ducti0ns

    dir. svechina vera 

    made in japan

    made in france

    made in usa. 

    healthy clothing and food company 

    doll anetta.


    and planting sakura threes everywhere...

     svechina veras /33/ n0rhern territ0ries /emper0r akihit0 was 

    nine when nina takaeva was b0rn/.


    The Cherry Orchard (Вишнëвый сад or Vishnevyi sad in Russian) is Russian
     playwright Anton Chekhov's last play. 

    /apple l0g0 m0del is vera and next 
    is als0 vera/

    peace nobel price.... d0ne by 2009. 
    vera was 35 years old.

    Anton and Carla LAVEY .